188金宝搏手机端元素can model the airborne transmission and ventilation impacts, using workplace air dispersion modeling, to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and ensure your employees have a safe place to work.

Using state-of-the-art COMSOL software, our experienced technical specialists can help you improve the ventilation within your business to control the spread of COVID-19. We model particle dispersion usingComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)to understand the particle flow, then combine this with数据科学和人工智能to recommend techniques to reduce the risk of transmittable diseases for your team members.

Our team can determine how COVID-19 particles are dispersed in workplace areas such as office spaces, industrial environments, hospitals, schools, or public buildings. By taking into account existing ventilation, convection currents, multi-phase airflow properties, and heat sources, we can accurately predict how the virus particles are dispersed in the air and where the greatest concentrations are likely to be. The impact of increased ventilation, barriers, and a variety of other controls can also be evaluated based on modeling data.

Air dispersion modeling control measures

The results of air dispersion modeling help build up highly detailed recommendations for improvements to control the flow of Covid-19 particles. Visualizing the impacts of proposed control measures and using different scenarios means the most appropriate and effective solution can be put into practice. We make sure you choose the right solution for your company and, therefore, a safer workplace environment for your colleagues.

188金宝搏手机端元素的CV19安全 - 工作场所评估

Our workplace air dispersion modeling services are part of ourCV19安全——工作场所的保证Scheme。我们将评估您的工作场所,并确定任何差距和改进领域。它将确保您的工作场所冠状病毒政策,实践和风险评估符合英国政府的指导和最佳实践措施。

On completion of your risk assessment, you will be scored against our five-star rating based on UK government guidance. Your rating will appear on a certificate of compliance that can be publicly displayed. The certificate includes a QR code to allow anyone to verify the current status of the certificate at any moment in time.

For more information about our workplace air dispersion modeling services or to request a quote,contact ustoday.

Our team of over 6,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.
